Member Profile: Brian Fricke, CFP®
Primary Role: Founder and CEO of the fee-only financial planning firm Financial Management Concepts in Winter Springs, Fla.
Website: www.BrianFricke.com LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/brianfrickeFacebook: www.facebook.com/Brian.L.Fricke Financial Planning Philosophy: Fricke utilizes a goals-based approach to planning because experiencing an Incredible Retirement is far more important than out performing an index or reaching "The Number."
What challenges were you facing before deciding to use the FPA Member Advantage Program to connect with Advantage Media Group (AMG)?I had always wanted to write and publish a book to differentiate myself from other financial planners and advisers in my geographic area, and to stand out to prospective clients. Especially if they were interviewing several potential financial planners. Unfortunately, I already had a manuscript, but was left "holding the bag" with a different book publisher.
As you went into the relationship with AMG, what were you hoping they could do to help you get the book off the ground? What were your expectations?I naturally wanted them to help get my book published in a timely and efficient manner. I was also hoping they would share best practices of other successful authors, especially in the areas of marketing. Not as just another financial planner, but as a published author. AMG has a well-documented system for getting a book published and promoted. Within the first 12-months of my book being published, I realized a huge return on my investment in terms of new clients to the firm.
In fact, shortly after my book came out, I was contacted by a local large company to see if I was available to speak at an internal employee program, and what my speaking fee would be. This group represented what most planners would consider to be ideal client prospects…a group most planners would (or have) paid thousands of dollars to obtain as an audience.
Although the book has already been published, they continue to impress me with their never-ending quest to bring new ideas and opportunities to their authors to help them market and promote their books.
What has been the biggest takeaway for you as a result of your work with AMG?Don't worry about selling the book to make money. You'll actually make more money by giving your book away in terms of new business opportunities it will bring to you. I also learned how important it is to create your book marketing plan even while you're writing the actual book. I encourage any potential authors to put as much time, maybe even more time, into the book cover and design as they do in the actual book content. It's key to getting the book noticed!
What advice or guidance would you give fellow FPA members about the FPA Member Advantage Program and why they should take advantage of benefits offered?A great way to support the mission and vision of FPA is by taking advantage of the
FPA Member Advantage Program. I'm not responsible for most purchasing decisions in my business, but I do make sure those that are responsible know about this great member benefit. I think it's important, whenever possible, to support the vendors who participate in the FPA Member Advantage Program.
As a 20+ year FPA member, I will continue to support the mission and vision of FPA whenever possible, including using the services and products offered through the FPA Member Advantage Program.